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Shame (Kosova Sot)

In today’s editorial the paper writes that the degradation of the Kosovo Assembly is a result of the country being “captured” by leaders of political parties who came to power through stolen votes and who put their personal interests above those of the people they are called to represent. The paper further writes that yesterday’s “show” at the Assembly was prepared by its Speaker Kadri Veseli whose insistence to hold a plenary session at all costs was “hypocrisy of its kind.” What is the value of laws passed while whistles were being blown by the opposition and without any debate or discussion, asks the paper. It agrees that the opposition has no majority but what happens when the majority takes detrimental decisions for Kosovo. Concerns raised by the opposition about the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro should not be ignored by the government, suggests the paper as this can only worsen the situation further.