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A united front against evil (Gazeta Express)

Political analyst Imer Mushkolaj wrote in an opinion piece that people do not necessarily have to be part of the opposition to become part of the battle against the Mustafa-Thaci government. “The opposition cannot and should not monopolize the right to protest. The united front against evil should be expanded. Tens of thousands of people who gathered on 9 January in the streets of Pristina are a clear sign that the government led by Isa Mustafa is almost over. It is not important which political option people support, but it is important that tens of thousands of them proved that they are against the current government,” Mushkolaj notes. According to him, it is very important that the pressure from the citizens continues through further protest. “Beyond the opposition and its leaders, it is vital that the resignation of this government is demanded also by other influential people who are not part of the opposition. PM Mustafa and his deputy Hashim Thaci are in a state of panic, not because they have damaged Kosovo, but because their political future is at risk. Today, more than ever, people are determined to see change in the political scene,” Mushkolaj concludes.