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Dialogue or chaos (Lajmi)

Blerim Shala, member of the Kosovo Assembly and coordinator of Kosovo’s delegation in talks with Belgrade, writes in his opinion piece that in parliamentarian democracies there are no alternatives to political dialogue. Shala recalls that in light of major problems in the political landscape in Kosovo, both the government and the opposition have called on one another to reflect. “Dialogue and the opportunity to discuss topics that are sources of political problem in the country, with proper reflection from all participants, will certainly bring about the result of a joint path to emerging from the current situation if we truly want to restore normality in the country. Dialogue will help Kosovo avoid worst case scenarios that could even potentially lead to questioning the rationale behind the creation of the state of Kosovo. In parliamentary democracy and in the policies of democratic states, there is no alternative to political dialogue. One comes to this conclusion sooner or later, with wisdom and maturity or after facing serious consequences. We still have the chance to choose the best option,” Shala writes.