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Reciprocity, not vassalage (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial argues that the decision of the Kosovo Ministry of Trade and Industry to introduce reciprocity measures against Serbia comes only after a series of concessions that Kosovo made toward its neighbor. According to the paper, Kosovo has not only failed to establish reciprocity vis-à-vis Serbia “but it has also turned into a vassal in the Brussels negotiations”. The agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, the paper adds, marks the culmination of Pristina’s submission, which comes as a result of a corrupt political leadership that is willing to sign any document with Serbia regardless of the grave consequences to Kosovo’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. “We have said this before: the President-elect would not be able to secure this position without the votes of the Serbian List and the latter would not have supported him without receiving in return the Association or the mini Serbian republic. At the same time, the current Prime Minister will agree even to an anti-constitutional agreement for as long as he gets to keep the position he secured in conniving fashion”.