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Iceland or our obedient society (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of the daily mentions the case of the resignation of the Prime Minister of Iceland, after allegations of his involvement in the “Panama Papers” scandal, insisting that this would never happen in Kosovo. “Unfortunately, reported scandals which involve Kosovo government officials, are not proceeded by resignations as a necessary moral act which opens way to investigation and regains the reputation of institutions, but protagonists connected to oligarchy and crime only become braver and continue with their corrupt deeds,” notes the paper.

Isa Mustafa of course cannot behave as an Icelander because our society is far from the standards of a democratic society and awareness of its determinant role in relation to the government. Here, if a protest against corrupt government officials is called, only dozens of citizens participate, while thousands of them participate in protests called to support someone convicted for crime… Politicians who no longer hide the fact that they are millionaires and lead luxurious lives, by abusing their positions and public funds, are considered by a part of the society as successful people, and one can notice a certain obedience towards them, even though jail should be the response to this corrupt class of the government. Our country should find power to change this vassal mentality towards power, because the government should be serving the citizen and responsibility should be taken even for the slightest scandal. So, the appearance of scandals related to Kosovo leaders giving tenders involving millions to their family members or friends should be addressed immediately. Population should not sit cross handed, but it should protest, just like in Iceland,” concludes the paper.