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Kosovo is building a new Chernobyl (Prishtina Insight)

By: Enver Robelli

The non-transparent Kosova e Re project is a bad investment for Kosovo’s citizens. Any serious government that may come to power should reverse this project.

Through an irresponsible government, Kosovo decided to build a new Chernobyl in Obilic. The Kosova e Re  (‘Kosovo C’) power plant is harmful for public health, the agreement to build it is not transparent, and environmental pollution will increase. Experts predict that electricity prices will also increase.

The EU asks every country that aims to become its member to ‘decarbonize’ their energy sector. Kosovo is doing the opposite, whereas other countries are materializing their plans so that by 2030, they will produce all of their energy from renewable sources, such as through solar power, wind, rain, tidal energy, wave power, and geothermal energy.  It is understood that this goal will be difficult to reach in Europe, and even after 2030, electricity will still be produced by coal, but the trend seems clear: keep away from coal in the name of environmental protection and the protection of natural resources.

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