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Gambling with the state (Zeri)

Lavdim Hamidi criticizes the outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, regarding the recent  promise to increase teachers’ salaries for additional 25 percent. “This situation when Thaci makes irresponsible decisions for budgetary expenses, has put the leaders of opposition parties in a checkmate position since they cannot object such decision from fear that they might lose votes if extraordinary elections are held.

In order to demonstrate institutional responsibility, leaders of the opposition block, especially Isa Mustafa and Ramush Haradinaj, should object the decision which increases budget expenditure, and present a strategy for new jobs. It would have been much more acceptable for Kosovo families to employ their family members than to increase salaries of those who are already employed,” writes Hamidi.

“Hashim Thaci has understood that he cannot go for another round of elections without promising increase of salaries for the public sector, however the 50 percent increase of salaries within a short period of time is unaffordable for Kosovo’s low budget.

This approach of the political parties makes it clear that Kosovo population will not have an alternative during the next elections. Their “alternative” will once again be leaders involved in corruption affairs, who are replacing industrial theft of votes with increase of salaries. And the candidate for the prime minister will again be the leader of the biggest party who acts based on the logic of a gambler to win everything or nothing.”
