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8 June enigma (Tribuna)

Tirana-based analyst Armand Shkullaku writes that this election campaign will be remembered as a turning point for Kosovo’s new electoral history because economic development dominated over historic divisions and references to the past. The campaign will also be remembered because it until the very last moment it keeps the winner of these elections uncertain. “This time, a betting professional would think hard before opting for a winner”, says Shkullaku.

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) surprised everyone with a highly energetic campaign and its leader Hashim Thaci launched a race the other leaders felt the need to compete with while things from the past were overshadowed with promises for the future.

The campaign which today is set to end found a fragmented opposition which has a difficult time in capitalizing on electorate’s tendency for change. It is a paradox where the largest opposition party, Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), has the chance to claim victory but failed to demonstrate the necessary will to do so, writes Shkullaku.

At the same time, Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) has also led an energetic campaign and this has created a sort of a guarantee that the party could be a decisive factor for the next government. “This only makes the 8 June enigma even bigger”, writes Shkullaku.

Vetevendosje was another surprise of the campaign by demonstrating extraordinary calmness and is an alternative for the voters.

“This new situation created in the last months makes all feel uncertain until the last vote is counted”, he concludes.