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The opposition train (Koha)

KTV editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi writes that the Vetevendosje Movement so far has made several painful compromises in order to achieve one of their ultimate objectives – ending the seizure of the state, and sending the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) in the opposition. Without the Vetevendosje Movement, it would have been very difficult to form a coalition between the LDK, AAK and NISMA. The Vetevendosje Movement, according to Kelmendi, is the locomotive that has set in motion the train of the opposition. Without Vetevendosje, the opposition bloc can maybe secure enough votes in parliament, but what kind of stability and quality would such a government bring? LDK-AAK-NISMA will need to have on board all minority MPs in order to form the institutions. “Vetevendosje and the LDK-AAK-NISMA should ask themselves if it is more painful to give away more in exchange for forming a joint government or to be divided and thus take the risk of being defeated again in elections by the PDK. When it is not on the right track, the train risks ending in an abyss,” Kelmendi concludes.
