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 Peace with the wolf (Zeri)

Milaim Shefkiu, starts his editorial with an old saying “wolf changes its hair but not the habits,” and adds that Belgrade and its politicians have not changed. According to Shefkiu, the recent statement of “Milosevic’s student” Ivica Dacic, that they will not sign any treaty with Kosovo could be interpreted in two ways: the first one proves that even though Dacic signed the agreement of 10 April 2013, which was considered historical, the intention was only for Serbia to gain the status of the EU candidate and to victimize Serbs in the north. “The second interpretation of this statement is that there is no reason to discuss the European future with Serbia, since the epilogue would be the same as the start: failure. Therefore, despite the international pressure and compliments that both parties have reached a mutual peace, Dacici’s statement shows that the process of the discussions is sterile and it does not produce anything concrete. This was also proved by Dacic’s chief, Aleksandar Vucic, who recommended to Serbian gandarmerie at the border with Kosovo to shoot without warning all Albanians who cross the border and enter their territory.

Shefkiu considers that after these statements,  it should be clear to the EU that there will be no peace treaty  between Belgrade and Pristina. He says that whenever Serbia feels that it is defeated, it spoils the game. After the incidents at the border, Kosovo political parties should learn that problems between Belgrade and Serbia should be resolved only by reciprocal measures. This means that Albanians in Presevo should have the same rights as Serbs in Kosovo. This is the only way that peace would function,” concludes Shefkiu.
