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Government is not a rehabilitation house for politicians (gazetablic)

Petrit Musolli considers that the idea of the political compromise that would enable creation of a co-governance between PDK and coalition block, exceeds every limit of absurdity. He considers that this is impossible for the political, judicial and executive functioning of Kosovo. “Based on the constitution, minority parties represented at the Assembly should also be part of the government and if a coalition between PDK and coalition block is added to this, than this means that the entire Assembly will move to the Government. With implementation of this idea, Kosovo can freely announce ending of Assembly’s function. The role, decisions and responsibility of the Assembly cannot be symbolic because this would destroy the entire functional system of the state.
He stresses further that the example of “the major compromise” reached in 2002, does not stand as an argument, being that the reality at that time was completely different and the real political, judicial and executive government belonged to UNMIK.
No political compromise should dare to endanger the democratic functioning of the state. Kosovo is in verge of a political solution and not some reconciliation.
“I think that both PDK and coalition block are aware that they cannot all move to the government as a unique body. The block should resist disunity and if they remain united, then PDK can only wish farewell to the government. The argument of election results is the composition of the Assembly, the number of the seats there.
Extraordinary elections would suit PDK, because the coalition block would find it difficult to come up with a joint list, even though, the result would have been almost the same. However, this election process would be accompanied by political tensions, low turnout, an extremely hostile political class, a much more illegitimate and questionable election process.
Being that Kosovo needs to create institutions urgently, a fact that was also mentioned by internationals, elections seem to be far away. However, the institutions should have an address, especially the government, as the direct manager of peoples’ interests. Institutions are not a state décor, they are created to be in service of the citizens, in the best possible form and manner.
Musolli considers that a broad band government would mean a four year political commodity without being held responsible for anything, competition for tenders, mixed mentalities and a complete chaos. Four years later, they will end up with an election campaign where they will all accuse each other for everything that went wrong.
If the coalition block governs Kosovo, there will be no room for commodity because their manner and public justification over which they got organized and united, does not leave space for any acquittal argument or for any blaming of the other partners in the coalition, unless they do not respect their public pledge for good governance.
Tensions in Presevo after the clash between the two Prime Ministers (gazetaexpress)
Sources of claim that Serbian authorities are concerned about the situation in Preshevo, after the press conference of the two Prime Ministers.
Rama’s live statement was followed by hundreds of Albanians there, whe felt enthusiastic when Rama stated that independent Kosovo is an irreversible reality. A Serb Minister headed for Presevo to see the situation from close, a day before Prime Minister Rama is expected to go there. Authorities fair eventual incident.
In the meantime, Presevo is full of billboards which welcome the Albanian Prime Minister, who was called “our Prime Minister” by the mayor of this municipality, challenging in this manner Belgrade authority.