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Admiral Foggo visited Visoki Decani Monastery, welcomed by Abbot Sava Janjic (Social media)

“Today I welcomed at the Monastery the NATO Joint Force Commander Admiral James Foggo (US) who was accompanied by the KFOR Commander General Cuoci (IT) and their closest associates,” Abbot Sava Janjic wrote on Facebook. “It was a good opportunity to convey to the high NATO and KFOR representatives the concern of Bishop Teodosije, our clergy and monastics regarding the publicly pronounced ideas (by highest political representatives of Belgrade and Pristina) in favor of an ethnic and territorial partition/delineation in Kosovo, which would inevitably produce far-reaching negative humanitarian and security consequences for Kosovo Serbs and the entire region.” “I informed Admiral Foggo and his colleagues about the clear and unanimous position of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) Assembly of Bishops that for our Church any kind of territorial and ethnic partition/delineation is unacceptable but also that the SOC opposes to recognition of Kosovo's independence by Serbia. In this context I mentioned many cases of violations of human and other rights as well as laws which are supposed to protect the non-majority population in Kosovo, which eventually may turn Kosovo into a completely ethnic Albanian territory.” For more in Serbian and English see at: is external)