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Albanian historians: ''Abbot of Visoki Decani to apologize for genocide of the Serbian state and people. The monastery is Albanian '' (KoSSev)

The Presidency of the Association of Kosovo Historians ‘Ali Hadri’, the Decani branch, harshly reacted to statements by, as they assessed, an anti-Albanian priest – Abbot Sava Janjic, who has been serving in the Albanian Orthodox monastery of Decani, a monastery usurped by Serbian occupiers – since the medieval period. They gave the statement last night for the Voice of America news program.

Abbot Sava Janjic warns of possible Serbs' migration from Kosovo caused by the idea of demarcation (TV Hram, RFE, KIM radio)

Abbot of the Visoki Decani monastery Sava Janjic told the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) TV Hram that due to some political solutions mentioned, it may happen that the Serbian people disappear from Kosovo, citing the idea of demarcation.

"Today we are facing a particularly great temptation, because with certain solutions that are sought on a political plan, it can happen that our people completely leave this region, or more than ever before in history," said Abbot Sava.

Sava Janjic: To be silent when someone could force our people to leave KiM forever is, from a spiritual perspective, totally unforgivable (NIN, KoSSev)

We didn’t have an in-person conversation, instead we e-mailed each other. And yet, I think that my conversation with Sava Janjic, Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, as I’m conveying it to you, turned out just as it would had we sat across from each other. I wouldn’t have interrupted him, I wouldn’t have poked and prodded at him. Everything would have been the same, except for the first question, journalists Olja Beckovic wrote for NIN magazine.

Father Sava Janjic on FB: Arrests of Serbs have no connection with Oliver Ivanovic’s murder (BETA)

Abbott of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic said that the arrest of four Serbs in the north of Kosovo has no connection with the investigation of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, BETA news agency reported.

Father Sava Janjic: Secret talks held on ethnic separation in Kosovo (NIN, TV N1, BETA)

Abbot of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Visoki Decani Monastery Father Sava Janjic said on Thursday he had “pretty reliable information from both local and foreign sources about talks on the division of Kosovo along ethnic lines, adding the negotiations were held in a narrow circle and in the greatest secrecy, Beta news agency reports.

Sava Janjic: Normal life of Serb community hampered (Danas)

Introducing of an economic blockade by Pristina authorities for all goods from central Serbia has hit hard particularly Kosovo Serbs, Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic said, Danas daily reports.

“Regular supplies have been cut off, the existing agreements are not honored & the general situation’s been aggravated. Totally irresponsible,” Abbot Janjic wrote on Twitter.



Abbot Janjic: It is concerning how people play with our lives (Radio KIM)

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic assessed that “proponents of Serbian territory division have not given up on their plan,” KIM Radio reports.

Commenting on Saturday’s event and tense situation around Gazivode lake, Abbot Janjic wrote on social networks that “while thousands of Kosovo Albanians are protesting in Pristina against the land-swap idea, Thaci with his heavily armed police intrudes Gazivode, handcuffs Serbs, creating incident to divert attention. KFOR must urgently calm the situation and prevent escalation of violence.”

Raska-Prizren Eparchy condemns thefts in Velika Hoca (KoSSev, Radio kontakt plus)

Raska-Prizren Eparchy in the strongest terms condemned four thefts that occurred at the beginning of the week in the village of Velika Hoca, near Orahovac, Serbian media reported. The Eparchy also urged Kosovo police to protect the Serbs.

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic visited Velika Hoca village and spoke with Branko Cukaric, whose cow was stolen.

“Visoki Decani Monastery provided this cow to Branko, and we will try with our friends and benefactors to buy another cow to Branko, who has three sons (16, 15 and 3 years old),” Father Sava said.

Italian high-ranking delegation visited Visoki Decani monastery (KoSSev)

Italian Minister of Defence, Elisabetta Trenta, Italian Ambassador in Pristina, Piero Cristoforo Sardi, the Italian Chief of General Staff, General Claudio Graziano, the head of the Chief of Defence Office, General Francesco Figliuolo, KFOR commander, General Salvatore Cuoci and their associates visited Serbian Orthodox Church Visoki Decani monastery yesterday, KoSSev portal reported.