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The report on abuses of funds intended for Kosovo, from the Serbian budget, did not reach the Parliament (Insajder)

The Insajder portal reported that the report of the Survey Committee on abuses of funds from the Serbian budget intended for Kosovo, which practically confirmed Insajder's research on the abuse of this money, has not even been included on the agenda of the Serbian Assembly for four years.

The portal asked the Parliament Speaker Maja Gojkovic why the Assembly did not include to its agenda the report of the Survey Committee, Gojkovic claimed that she did not heard that she could suggest something for the agenda what comes from the previous convocation of the Assembly.

Journalists of the Insajder have tried on several occasions to get an answer from the President of Parliament, but she did not answer questions in writing. After the session of the Serbian Progressive Party two days ago, the portal was able to ask the question on the Committee's report. According to the portal, Gojkovic replied that she already heard the same question.

She said that the report of the Survey Committee has not been proposed to the parliament for consideration, and to the question why she does not propose it, she repeated "only what comes to the convocation is discussed, not something that does not exist" and said that she did not hear about the other procedure.

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The same question, Insajder has asked the leader of the Serbian Progressive Party and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who gave a somewhat clearer answer:

"I really do not know, we'll check it out as soon as we sit in car. Many of them were involved from various authorities, who will know it," Vucic said. Portal writes that they did not get the answer for now.

Insajder reminded that every member of parliament has the right to propose a point to be placed on the agenda, and despite that, no one has proposed the report of the Committee which was established to determine the spending of budget funds in Kosovo.

The Survey Committee, with its report, practically has confirmed the facts presented in the Insajder's "Patriotic Robbery" series that revealed numerous misuses of money intended for Kosovo.