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President Vucic on Kosovo, borders, solution (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today in Kraljevo he is always ready to talk about all compromise solutions and to offer it to the Serbian people. However, the solution to the Kosovo and Metohija issue is not on the sight, B92 reports.

Asked by journalists, what happened since his last visit to Kraljevo when he announced a solution to the Kosovo issue would be presented, and then recently he stated that his Kosovo politics faced a defeat, Vucic responded that what he thought could be a solution faced general disagreement in Serbia.

“I think that my idea for compromise solution was much better for the future of Serbia. You will assess that in 15 or 20 years,” Vucic underlined.

He added, if something happens in the meantime, any time, he would go in front of the people and tell it.

“At this moment I have nothing to say. I think this is the fair and responsible approach.”

He also assessed that the people practically say entire Kosovo should stay as it is, that we need borders in Jarinje and Brnjak.

“If the people say so, what can I do? I cannot go contrary to the will of people, you must agree with and respect the will of citizens. But, I wish the people to remember, I was for a different solution, and someone would remember in 20 years that we could have done more and better (…),” President Vucic said.