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Tanaskovic: Fight in UNESCO under more favourable circumstances than in 2015 (RTS)

Former Serbian Ambassador to UNESCO, Darko Tanaskovic told RTS there is a “basis of understanding” formed in the international community, and it did not exist back in 2015 when Pristina attempted to become UNESCO member.

Asked if epilogue in Interpol could influence the situation in UNESCO, Tanaskovic replied it could either encourage or discourage Pristina and its mentors.

RTS further reported that Belgrade awaits a diplomatic struggle against Kosovo membership in international organizations, and Interpol is first in the line. Pristina could also try to become UNESCO member next year, although it failed to secure two-third majority vote in this organization in 2015.

Speaking about Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo, Tanaskovic noted Pristina is exercising systematic pressure in order to make lives for Serbs unbearable there.

In case Pristina joins UNESCO, they would get instruments supposed to protect the monuments and cultural heritage, however the fear remains Pristina would with the help of these instruments resort to constant pressure and would impact the functioning of religious communities.