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Serbia and NATO "share same goals" - US ambassador (B92, Tanjug)

NATO and Serbia share the same strategic goals and we can work together as partners, US Ambassador in Serbia Kyle Scott said. He made this statement at the 6th Belgrade NATO Week - a two-day event organized by the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies NGO, with the support of NATO's public diplomacy department (PDD) and the US embassy in Belgrade.

"Serbia is not a NATO member and does not want to become one, but we are here for two reasons, and that is achieving common goals and partnership. NATO is committed to peace, common values ​​and the rule of law, and Serbia is an important partner and it will contribute to strategic goals to achieve a strong and long-term stabilization of Serbia and the region," Scott has been quoted as saying by Tanjug.

The US diplomat added that his country considers Serbia a vital partner and said that Serbia is the only country where NATO appeared as an open war enemy - but now the situation has changed and, he says, that gives optimism about the peace in the whole region and peace between Belgrade and Pristina.

"The most obvious role NATO plays in the region is to ensure security and stabilization, and Serbia has the same goals. Thanks to (UN Security Council) Resolution 1244 and Chapter IV of the UN, KFOR is a military organization making sure there us peace and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo. The United States has the most soldiers (in KFOR) and we do it to make sure that all citizens of Kosovo have peace and are safe," Scott said.

He also said that Serbia has the right to be proud of its history and victories in the First and Second World War, adding that NATO and the United States are glad that they were partners with Serbia in these two great victories.

"We are partners today as well. Through NATO, but also through our bilateral relations, through our economic assistance, through the support for the rule of law, freedoms, security - and I want to thank President Vucic for putting a stop to a generation of unrest and the beginning work on overcoming psychological barriers and finding a peaceful future for the entire region," the US ambassador said.