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There is no radicalization in Albania, the danger is in Kosovo (APA)

There is no tangible radicalization of the Muslim youth and situation is different compared to the one in Kosovo and B&H where influence of the Islam brings danger, writes Austrian agency APA.

Even though Austrian KFOR contingent claims that they are not noticing any sort of radicalization in Kosovo, 40 Jihadists have been arrested recently, whereas assessments say that around 200 ‘Kosovars’ are currently engaged in the ranks of the Islamic state (IS), reminds APA.
Abbot of Monastery Dečani Sava Janjić assessed that Islam in Kosovo is a moderate one for the time being, however that could change.

“Influence of Wahhabis is strong” said father Sava and stressed that international community failed to do more to protect Kosovo from Saudi foundations.

Father Sava sees the threat of radicalization in Sandzak and Macedonia. “Turkey presents an open door to northern Iraq” comments father Sava.

At the time when ethnic conflicts from Serbia to Bosnia and Kosovo, following the breakup of Yugoslavia, reflected on the religious plan, Albania was at the start of being freed from atheistic isolation, writes the agency.

All religious communities in Albania, after the toppling of communists, had to start from the beginning since the ban on religion was waived after 25 years. Simple formula of affiliation, such as Serbian is Orthodox, Albanian is Muslim, adds the agency, can’t be implemented in Albania because more than 95 per cents of population in Albania are ethnic Albanians, out of whom 60 per cent are Muslims and around 30 per cent Christians.

The Catholic Bishop in Tirana Rok Kol Mirdita does not see the threat of Islamization. “Tolerance and harmony prevail in Albania,” claims Bishop Mirdita and adds that there are young people who were exposed to ‘brainwashing’, but not to a bigger extent.

Thus, Muslims from the Great Britain have constructed a mosque, which is not recognized by the Albanian Islamic authorities. Many young Albanians are studding in Islamic states, and extremists’ cell was also established, however the authorities are vigilant, added Bishop Mirdita.

APA also quoted and Tirana-based Orthodox Christian Bishop Andon who said that Albania is not an Islamic state.
