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Djuric: An illegal armed formation, KFOR to disarm them (Serbian media)

Regional broadcaster N1 reports that Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told reporters in the Government of Serbia that Kosovo Army for Serbia is an illegal armed formation on the territory of Serbia, formed with an aim of violently changing the borders of the country.

"The decision on its formation aims at violent change of the borders of our country and violation of the established position of our southern province by the Constitution and international," Djuric told reporters.

He asked KFOR not to allow the operation of an illegal Kosovo army in the territory of Kosovo and to disarm it and restore the situation within the framework provided Resolution 1244.

"Everything else would be a direct support to unlawful action with the aim of occupying and forcibly separating a part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia, which is illegal operation punishable by international and Serbian regulations," Djuric said.

"The formal legal options available to the state leadership in this regard include the proclamation of occupation in part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia, as well as different forms of use of the armed forces, which may be decided by the President of the Republic, the Government and other competent bodies in accordance with the Constitution and law." said Djuric.

Djuric urged the citizens of Serbia, Albanians, Serbs and all others not to enter the ranks of an illegal occupying armed formation called the Kosovo Army.

"Criminal offenses against the constitutional order of the Republic of Serbia are punishable by long-term and severe sentences. The authorities and security services of the Republic of Serbia are tasked to determine the identity of the person who approached it, to deprive them of freedom whenever they become available and the competent judicial authorities, by obligation defined by the Constitution and the law, to punish these persons and remove them from these areas when they become available," said Djuric.

"The so-called Kosovo Army is also formed at a time when no single Albanian was found responsible before the court for numerous crimes, thousands of killed and hundreds of expelled Serbs, and non -Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija during an armed conflict," Djuric said.

He said that the Kosovo army was formed publicly and with visible material and logistic support of individual states, which two decades ago committed aggression on our country and killed thousands of civilians, reports N1.

"Citizens of Serbia should know that these countries are consequently the most responsible ones for today's decision of the parliament of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina," he said.

He said to the representatives of these countries that the people of Serbia will never forget their actions.

"Their support, for the formation of the so-called Kosovo Army, citizens of Serbia see as a profound insult that will leave permanent and indelible (consequences).  We will not forget the support and friendship of those who were with us when it was difficult," Djuric said.

He also said that the decision to form a Kosovo army represents a pact against peace and the act of political aggression against Serbia.

He pointed out that the decision to form a Kosovo army was made contrary to the Constitution of Serbia, contrary to the provisional Constitutional Framework of Kosovo, but also contrary to UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Kumanovo military-technical agreement that ended the armed conflict in Kosovo and Metohija, reports N1.