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Dacic for RTS: Important to hear from many countries condemnation of the Pristina's move (RTS)

Minister Ivica Dacic told RTS that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, at the session of the UNSC, presented the genesis of the problems that Serbia faces, readiness for dialogue and a constructive approach, and on the other hand a clear opposition to the unilateral moves of Pristina to which they were used to in the past 20 years.

Last night the RTS TV show "Oko" was dedicated to the extraordinary session of the United Nations Security Council with its direct transmission. Serbia asked for the session with the support of Russia, after Pristina's decision to form an army and a defense ministry.

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that President Aleksandar Vucic, at the session of the UN Security Council, presented based on arguments everything that violated UN SC Resolution 1244.

Dacic said that the UN itself, even UNMIK, mostly factually relate to what happened and rarely represented some positions and said that UNMIK should have requested that session because the resolution was flagrantly violated.

Speaking about the speech of the Russian ambassador at the UNSC session, Dacic said that "they reiterate that we are demanding respect for the resolution and a decision on demilitarization, the dissolution of any armed formations outside KFOR in Kosovo."

On the other hand, there was Thaci’s political story, those are lies, said Dacic.

Dacic underlined that President Vucic performed in a sharp way and enough diplomatically.

Referring to Thaci's claim that Albanians have always been victims, Dacic said that all those who are in the Pristina government wear uniforms and have received these positions based on crimes committed against Serbs and other minority communities.

The minister said that there was no story about 20,000 thousand of rape victims. He argued that when an invitation was sent to report the victims of rape, reported 800 of them, and the right to compensation was granted for 100 of them.

Dacic said that Pristina's logic was to bring everything into a position of a final act and that they consider that there was no need to for anything to be reconsidered. They refused to talk to the EU about it.

He recalled that yesterday an unpleasant meeting took place in Brussels because there was an open conflict and a cancelled press conference of Haradinaj, Mogherini and Hahn.

"Pristina does not want talks on compromises"

The Minister reminded that he participated in twenty SC sessions and said that essentially no one there discussed the Resolution except Serbia, Russia and China.

Pristina does not want to talk about compromises, but wants to enter the higher level of talks, with the US participation because they were not satisfied with the European Union. Dacic said that those are unrealistic demands.

From the aspect of international law, it would be justified to annul the decision and the formation of the army should not be allowed, while KFOR was present, Dacic said.

"Since this will not be possible, it is important that from a large number of countries the condemnation of Pristina moves is heard, to stop further escalations and not to allow any physical attack," Dacic said.

"This is not only a threat to the security of Serbs living in Kosovo, this is a threat to regional peace and stability. We will not continue the dialogue without eliminating meaningless decisions," Dacic concluded.