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Blic: Trump "puts delimitation officially on table" (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

With his letter to Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci, Donald Trump has practically put delimitation as a solution to the Kosovo problem officially on the table. That's according to Belgrade-based daily Blic.

The paper writes, referring to diplomatic sources in Washington, that the US President was probably influenced by his National Security Adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, "who have been devoted to the issue in recent months."

"This is an indisputable attempt by America to regain its influence on the Balkans. What (Emmanuel) Macron tried to do in Paris on November 11 is now obviously being tried by Trump," a source told Blic daily.

For Brussels such an open offer coming from Trump was a big surprise, and the United States wants to show that the European Union has proved itself incapable of solving the Kosovo problem, added the same source.

Speaking in Brussels on Wednesday, where he attended a meeting of EU and Western Balkan leaders, President Aleksandar Vucic said that Trump's letter shows the US is interested in solving the Kosovo issue by compromise - but added that the solution is "not close at hand."