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Serbian President thanks Putin for stance on Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday congratulated his counterpart Vladimir Putin on Russia's day of security services employees. Vucic also thanked Putin for Russia's principled position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, and expressed his satisfaction with Putin's forthcoming visit to Serbia.

In a telegram in which he referred to Putin as "friend," Vucic further stated:

"Allow me to congratulate you sincerely on the Day Security Services Employees of the Russian Federation - not only as the President of the Russian Federation, but also as a man who began his brilliant career in the state security organs.

Since its inception, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (Cheka) has been the basis of the state security system of your country, and the traditions, which have been established so far, represent one of the most important elements of the Russian statehood.

Protecting national interests and security of citizens has always been and remain the main, key priority of a country, so I wish to you, dear friend, that the security authorities of the Russian Federation work with great dedication for the welfare of your country in the future as well.

Let me also express my gratitude for the principled position of Russia on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and the active support in international organizations, and especially in the United Nations Security Council.

I look forward to your upcoming visit to Serbia, which will be not only a confirmation of the strong Serbian-Russian friendship, but also an opportunity to talk about cooperation and concrete projects for the future."