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Dacic: It is 100 percent true, US threatened Pristina (RTS, BETA, B92)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minster Ivica Dacic told RTS that based on the information he has, it is 100 percent true that the US has threatened Kosovo to impose some sort of sanction if taxes are not revoked.

Dacic added that in diplomatic circles and talks with people from the State Department one can hear that Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj “if things remain as they were” would not visit US any time soon, respectively his visa will not be granted.

“It is not the first time that the US treats him this way. It happened to him several times before in his career. On the other side, it just confirms what we have said earlier, and it is there would be no progress in efforts to make Pristina revoke its unreasonable decision on taxes for goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, unless there is a strong pressure exerted by the US,” Dacic underlined.

Dacic also said the US seriously understands the possibility of reaching an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, something that Serbia assesses positively. “Serbia said it many times we wish to continue the dialogue and in line with that we shall take no steps that would aim to obstruct the dialogue”.

He noted there is no dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina at the moment, but the intent to find a permanent solution within a short period is not concealed, since this is the period when EU institutions would still function.

However, according to Dacic, at this moment we are far from that, given that dialogue is practically blocked due to unreasonable Pristina’s decisions.