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EU's Kocijancic: Serbia’s parliament role questionable (N1, Insajder)

Maja Kocijancic, the spokesperson for Federica Mogherini, the European Union Diplomacy chief, said late on Tuesday that Serbia’s Parliament supervision and the process of drafting the laws became questionable last year due to the absence of the essential and parliamentarian debate, the independent Insajder production reported.

She avoided a direct answer to Insajder’s question whether the EU would react to the regime’s treatment of the opposition and the lack of any dialogue, but appealed to both sides to do everything they could to keep the political discussion alive in the parliament where it belonged.

“Inter-party dialogue must be supported and maintained in the parliament,” Kocijancic said.

She added the EU encourages all political forces in Serbia to enter the dialogue to find the common interests.

“For Serbia's successful entry into the EU a national and inclusive project is needed in a correct inter-party dialogue about the EU reforms,” Kocijancic told Insajder.

Concerning her statement on anti-government protests across Serbia, differently interpreted in the country, she said that a fundamental right to peaceful demonstrations existed in all democratic societies.

“The EU stand has always been clear on that as well as to the avoidance of violence.” She added the ongoing protests were specific to each country.

Kocijancic said the EU expected the authorities and the opposition in the region to be constructive in their respective parliaments, to answer the demands of their citizens in line with the aspiration to join the EU.

"The progress toward the EU is a social process which demands powerful and structural inclusion of the civil society,” she said.

According to Kocijancic, the citizens across the region have legitimate right to expect their authorities to implement the rule of law, fundamental rights and good governance reforms.

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