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Zakharova: Pristina tightens the noose to Serbs (BETA)

Measures of Pristina authorities represent “tightening the noose” to the Serbs and their systematic expulsion “by creating unbearable conditions in the spirit of an ethnic cleansing,” Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, BETA news agency reported.

At the regular Foreign Affairs Ministry press briefing, Zakharova urged international forces in Kosovo to implement their mandate and do not allow “violence against the Kosovo Serbs.” She also noted international forces were not preventing violence against the Serbs even before.

“Pristina’s radicals intentionally undermine stability and represent a source of conflict in the Balkan region,” Zakharova said.

She warned that Albanian authorities are stepping up control on the boundary, explaining it by a wish to prevent the illegal flow of goods from Serbia, and this makes the food supply situation to deteriorate.

She also added Pristina issued warrants for several Serb politicians, Kosovo Assembly adopted the platform that speaks in a tone of an ultimatum and “makes further negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina senseless” and it also recently tried to establish control over Trepca mining complex.