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Disputed issues are solved by the respect for rights and dialogue (RTS)

At the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, held in Argentina's
capital, Buenos Aires, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic thanked countries
that did not recognize Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence and thus
supported the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of
Serbia, reported Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Dacic said that they have demonstrated their commitment to
the principles of international law, the United Nations Charter and the UN
Security Council Resolution 1244.

"Serbia is consistently adhering to the view that the
disputed issues can be solved only with full respect for the principles and
documents, through a dialogue aimed at reaching compromise and durable
solutions," Dacic said.

He is convinced that only a consistent principled position represents
a guarantee that in the future the rights of small and less developed countries
will be respected in similar situations.

The UN Conference dedicated to South-South Cooperation,
which in the past 40 years, following the adoption of the Action Plan from
Buenos Aires in 1978, through continuous growth of cooperation and inclusion of
an increasing number of actors, has affirmed and developed as an important
segment in the process of improvement of contemporary political and economic
relations, or as a successful modality of international cooperation for
sustainable development.