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KoSSev: Thaci wanted amnesty, Mogherini faked the process to keep her job – Weber to KTV

''The exchange of territories is being discussed because Federica Mogherini faked the process and progress in order to keep her job, while HashimThaci wants an amnesty from the Special Court,'' German political analyst and expert on the Balkans, Bodo Weber said during his guest appearance on the KTV Rubikon show.

According to Weber, the narrative of the ''historic agreement '' is the narrative of those who advocate the exchange of territories as a solution model for the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, while emphasizing that he opposes such a description of this scenario.

''That agreement has surpassed the ambitions of a 'historic' agreement. It would be historic in terms of negative local, regional and global implications,'' Weber said, expressing hope that this year will not be the year of the ''signing of this agreement'', but a year of ''serious restarting of negotiations''.

Weber said that this new process will lead to a true full normalization of relations that should ''bring full sovereignty and territorial integrity within existing borders, full international subjectivity or a path toward full subjectivity of Kosovo. ''

''The path towards equal integration of the Kosovo Serb minority community in Kosovo into Kosovo society and their transformation into an active subject of Kosovo society so as not to remain an object of Brussels, Belgrade, and I fear Pristina, and Washington most recently,'' Weber underlined the most important thing that is supposed to come out of this process.

The EU administration has faked the progress and negotiation process

Weber harshly criticized the EU foreign policy and security chief, Federica Mogherini whom he described as ''the key actor who opened talks on the exchange of territories.''

''There is a key difference between Lady Ashton and Ms. Mogherini. In addition to the negotiation technique, there is also the fact that Lady Ashton never allowed Belgrade or any other party to open the status issue during negotiations. Mogherini never committed to adhering to these implicit principles that were never written down, but which were made clear in 2012 and 2013, primarily to Belgrade, which implicitly accepted it,'' said Weber.

He believes that this situation has occurred because the key Member States have not given clear guidelines for conducting this process, which is why it became ''a bureaucratic approach called a fake progress and process, as everything is about them remaining at their workplaces.''

Thaci is discussing exchange for an amnesty from the Special Court

On the other hand, there are certain factors in Kosovo that made it possible to start the topic of the exchange of territories.

''Among western decision-makers who really care about Kosovo and this region, there is an anonymous assessment that your president (Hashim Thaci) is doing this only for one reason – to avoid an indictment of the Special Court. I cannot prove that, but I can tell you that I heard about the existence of various draft agreements that allegedly include elements of amnesty from senior EU officials,'' Weber concluded.