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I believe in peace in Kosovo (KoSSev)

What is life like for Serbs in Kosovo today? Are their biggest problems existential, political or national?

All three groups of questions are important for Serbs from Kosovo. It should be first pointed out that Serbs make up between three to five percent of the population, or according to the OSCE’s estimates, seven to eight percent. Although that number is very low when compared to the population at-large, it is precisely within this small minority (in this case Kosovo Serbs) that the maturity of a society as a whole and the overall quality of a given system that sustains its citizens can be measured. If you ask Albanians, they’ll tell you, citing the constitution, various laws and certain sections of the Ahtisaari plan, that no minority in Europe has more rights than Serbs in Kosovo do. When you speak with Serbs however, they’ll tell you that there isn’t a single nation in Europe that has seen their rights reduced and violated to the extent that Serbs in Kosovo have. These facts speak to the very real vulnerability that members of the Serb community in Kosovo feel.

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