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IFIMES: Kosovo – Albania – North Macedonia 2019: In anticipation of the collapse of the Thacii-Rama conjoined regimes? (KoSSev)

The International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) in Ljubljana, Slovenia has prepared an analysis of the situation in Kosovo, Albania and North Macedonia in view of the forthcoming early parliamentary election in Kosovo scheduled for 6 October 2019. ''It is expected that the incumbent regime will lose the election, which will accelerate the fall of Edi Rama’s regime in Albania… With the fall of Thaçi regime, Rama’s criminal and corruption octopus spreading its tentacles to Kosovo will start to unveil… The forthcoming early parliamentary election will unveil Thaçi’s network of mercenaries. It will also reveal which of the high international envoys and state officials working for Thaçi’s regime will visit Kosovo in September 2019. This will point to those who are a part of the political and diplomatic corruption that keeps Thaçi in power,'' is just one of the most interesting sections from the analysis entitled ''Kosovo – Albania – North Macedonia 2019: In anticipation of the collapse of the Thaçi-Rama conjoined regimes?'' See more at: is external)