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The Office for KiM: Kozarev escorted to Konculj, Kosovo Police chasing after Petkovic ( KoSSev)

The Deputy Director at the Office for KiM Dusan Kozarev was forced to leave Kosovo on Friday – the Kosovo Office announced, reported portal KoSSev.

Kozarev was stopped on the road between Ranilug and Novo Brdo and then escorted to Konculj on the grounds that ''the representatives of the state bodies of Serbia are not welcome in the Kosovo elections''.

''Kozarev was supposed to attend one of Serbian list’s pre-election rallies today and convey the message of unity between the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and the state of Serbia. Kosovo police are also trying to apprehend the Assistant Director at the Kosovo Office, Petar Petkovic, who went to Plemetina for the same purpose,'' the Office for KiM said, assessing Friday’s events as ''Pristina’s violent acts''.