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"Thaci’s Serbs became Vucic’s" (Vesti)

It is a false thesis that it will be better for Serbs if Hashim Thaci or Ramush Hardinaj is prime minister, because the problem is a fundamental and systemic. Both of them are for the realization of an independent state and a controlled number of Serbs that would stay in Kosovo, or just enough of them so their international mentors can show that it is a multi-ethnic society," said Momcilo Trajkovic, leader of the Serbian Resistance Movement (SPOT) in an interview with Vesti.

So it does not matter who will be the Prime Minister of Kosovo?

- For the Serbs it does not matter much, because their aims are the same. Both come from the nomenclature of those responsible for the suffering of the Serbs. Although they say that Haradinaj is more principle in promises he would give to the Serbs, but still within the framework of the realization of an independent state of Kosovo.

Serbs await seats in the Kosovo government. Which departments they can hope for?

- A "tradition" is that it might be the Ministry of Communities and Returns. But, when thinking about the composition of the Serbian List and policy makers, I think it would be better if they take no ministry. Honestly, I do not see that strength, serious people who could carry this policy. Serbs are offered political and intellectual demimonde.

You criticized the result of those who were in the previous session of Kosovo's parliament?

-The quasi single list, the Single Serbian List is underground supported by Belgrade, and without the Serbia’s strategy, what was expected, participates in giving legitimacy to an independent Kosovo. It is their highest score. In order for Serbia to rehabilitate these people again, they are again the best staff who should take future ministerial positions. Mostly Serbian Liberal Party (SLS) staff fared well in the elections for deputy seats, who now from Thaci's Serbs, became Vucic’s Serbs. Well now I expect further action of the Albanian side, now when they gained legitimacy, to become Thaci’s Serbs.

What do you mean?

- Belgrade does it on purpose, because at this stage necessary is staff  that will be the most exposed executors. There is nothing independent about it, nothing of the Serbs interest, but one bare policy that was agreed in the West to be implemented, and that Kosovo Serbs are the ones who will carry it. And then it is better to be some else's Serbs, not ours, because then you  have comments – here you go, they once again betrayed us, the Serbs are guilty, they are like that. The Kosovo Serbs will eventually be responsible, because the government, slowly but surely pulls them to the most responsible position. Remember how Aleksandar Vulin spoke during the Kosovo local elections, and what he spoke before the last ones.

Return and security remain key issues for Serbian community. How to resolve it?

- Serbs in Kosovo's authorities cannot influence these processes. The best answer to this question is the relation to the property. Some sort of safety exists, but it is a property, or unresolved property issues and privatization in Kosovo that Serbia criticizes, but it cannot stop, where it advises the Serbs to be out of the flow where Albanians on Serbian farms are becoming bosses and Serbs slaves on their property. For me it is the key question of freedom. And first discussions in Brussels on less important issues, only testify about the immature policy pursued.