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Deputies on Kosovo elections (Blic)

Socialist Party of Serbia’s deputy caucus whip Đorđe Milićević stated that election results will strengthen the influence of Serbs in Kosovo and that they will now be able to fight for their interests in legitimate and democratic manner.

He said to journalists gathered in the Serbian Assembly building that elections are particularly important for the future of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Milićević explained that these elections are opening a realistic perspective for creation of the community of Serbian municipalities and added that he expects that creation of the community of Serbian municipalities will continue after elections.

“Serbs trust Serbian government, they responded on the call of the Serbian government, they know that government will stand by its people in Kosovo,” said Milicevic.

MP from the ranks of the Democratic Party Borislav Stefanović assessed that low turnout is a very bad indicator  along with the weak interest of Serbs in Kosovo to participate in election, but interest of Albanians, too.

“Such a low turnout brings under the question mark the legitimacy of people who are elected in elections and additionally complicates the whole situation,” said Stefanović.

He went on to say that due to the growing trend of Self-Determination, Hashim Thaci won’t have a simple situation for creation of the government and that one could suppose that he will try to create the majority with the Serb MPs.

“That brings into big question what will happen with a long lasting announcements for creation of the community of Serbian municipalities, which is discussed a lot, but mainly in Belgrade,” said  Stefanović and assessed that low turnout is bad companion to Serbian interests in Kosovo.

“This situation shows that representatives of the government in Belgrade haven’t done a good job, that they dealt only with the appointments of their party members, who don’t have the realistic touch with problems of Serbs in Kosovo, what resulted in their refusal to participate in political life, which is detrimental for Serbs in Kosovo and for Serbia,” said Stefanović.

MP from the ranks of the New Party Zoran Živković said that if published results on the turnout of Serbs in Kosovo elections are correct, than ‘we can’t be satisfied’ with results, and added that government of Serbia is to be blamed for that. He reminded that Serbian government was indecisive until last Wednesday about whether to call Serbs to vote.

Živković said that Serbs in Kosovo were brought into confusion several times so far with the behavior of authorities in Belgrade and in this case the consequence was that not even the half of those who were eligible turned out, what will have the long lasting negative consequences for position of Serbs in Kosovo.
