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EULEX prosecutor: We have nothing against Serb politicians (Politika)

EULEX has nothing against Serbian political representatives in northern Kosovo, said EULEX chief prosecutor Jaroslava Novotna and stressed that investigations are not carried out based on ethnic principle.

“Speculations on secrete arrest lists of Serbs are completely unfounded and we have rejected several times such allegations. Each prosecutor works on its own case without his colleagues’ insight in it. Thus, there is no way to compile a joint arrest list,” Novotna said.

She stressed that EULEX mission works exclusively on implementation of the rule of law and that national affiliation is irrelevant for prosecutors in terms of carrying out investigations.

When asked why a single crime against Serbs was not resolved since the mission’s establishment, Novotna replied that neither indictments can be raised nor perpetrators processed without evidence.

Reflecting on the cases filed by Serbs for usurped property, Novotna said that around 40.000 cases have been processed so far ant that most of those cases have been resolved. “There are around 300 cases which should be over until the end of the year. In most of the cases it is about cases filed by Serbs who originate from Kosovo,” Novotna said.
