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Serbian parties will support government under certain conditions (RTK2)

Although still it is not in sight which party could form a new government of Kosovo, minority political parties put forward their demands, in return for the support to the future government. If it wants the support of the Serbian List, the future Kosovo government will have to make some concessions.

"It is necessary to annul the privatization in Serbian areas, and to implement it in a different way, compared to the rest of Kosovo. It is essential to form the Community of Serbian Municipalities, as soon as possible. In addition, it is also very important that there is an organized, large-scale return of IDPs and the responsibility for this must take over the future government of Kosovo, the future prime minister and international organizations in Kosovo. It is also very important that the property seized during the time of communism return to the Serbian Orthodox Church, at the highest possible extent," said Aleksandar Jablanović, president of the Serbian list.

“Serbs in future Kosovo government, contrary to the previous practice, will not be just a number. They will be a factor that will have constructive ideas,” Jablanović said, adding that Serbian MPs will do their best to improve the lives of not only Serbs, but also Albanians and all other citizens in Kosovo. "For us it is necessary to find a partner in Kosovo that will have understanding for our views and ideas. We will be extremely principled, professional and correct if we take part in the future government of Kosovo,” concluded the President of the Serbian List, Aleksandar Jablanović.