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A public hearing held on the proposed budget of the municipality of North Mitrovica (Kontakt Plus radio)

A public hearing regarding the drafting of the budget of the municipality of North Mitrovica for 2015 was held in the northern part of Mitrovica. The budget draft was presented to the citizens and councillors of the north Mitrovica Assembly by Mayor Goran Rakic and head of the Administrative Office of northern Mitrovica Adriana Hodzic.

Rakic ​​said that they received budget of 4.5 million euros from the Ministry of Finance from Pristina, but, according to him, for the normal functioning of the city it takes more than 30 million.

"They came to these figures because in some of their calculations they have determined that the municipality of North Mitrovica has 12,000 inhabitants. I have to say that in an election process that took place a few months ago we had 28,000 voters, not citizens. How did they come up with these figures, I really do not know and I believe that a budget of 4.5 million in general does not satisfy the needs of a newly formed municipality of North Mitrovica and the Administrative Office cannot be basis for the budget preparation," underlined Rakic.

"We need to understand, when I say we, I reckon the authorities in Pristina and the Ministry in charge of drafting the budget, that this is a newly created municipality, which is thus observed, and the Administrative Office increased with the percentage of inflation cannot be its base. They did not recognize the needs of the municipality of North Mitrovica; they just copied the budget of the Administrative Office of Northern Mitrovica. These figures cannot be base. In conversation and discussion with councillors we have come to a figure of over 30 million for the normal functioning of the town," emphasized Mayor of the North Mitrovica municipality.

"We have a lot of work to do, this is one baby municipality which lacks all; do not mind my confusion, because, how can I say that something is working when in the municipality of North Mitrovica virtually nothing exists, starting with the municipality building. All other objects are in the southern municipality of Mitrovica, such as sports halls, stadiums, municipal building ... All these years it was invested in the South Mitrovica municipality and in the municipality of North Mitrovica not a single cent," said Rakic.

Head of the Administrative Office of Northern Mitrovica Adriana Hodzic said that the budget consists of two categories - administrative section, which includes the municipality (with all its departments) and the administration itself as the executive power, on the other hand and the legislative body, the Municipal Assembly of Mitrovica North.

"In addition, the Government of Pristina also provides specific grant and those are funds that cover education, which means that this budget proposal includes all the institutions which exist and operate in North Mitrovica, regardless of in what system they operate," said Hodzic.

The Municipal Assembly must adopt a budget until 30September, which will be sent then to the Ministry of Finance and according to Rakic, it will be seen whether they will recognize real needs of the citizens of the municipality of North Mitrovica.