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Dacic expects more understanding for Serbian govt's policy (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Serbia's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday he expected more understanding from the German parliament in the future, especially the members of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), for the Serbian government's policies regarding the accession talks with the EU and normalisation of the relations with Pristina.

Dacic and German parliament member from the CDU Thorsten Frei agreed that it was important to improve the cooperation between the two countries and that the visit by Serbia's Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic to Berlin was very significant for Serbia, the Foreign Ministry has stated.

Good preparation is important concerning Serbia's accession talks with the EU, in order to fulfil all the obligations, Frei said, adding that more time could be gained by conducting simultaneous talks on more than one chapter.

Dacic commented on the recent parliamentary poll in Kosovo by stressing the significance of establishing an association of Serb municipalities.

He also called for better parliamentary cooperation and invited German parliament members to visit Serbia more often.

Frei, who is a member of the parliamentary committees on foreign policy and the EU and of the CDU/CSU working group on foreign policy, as well as one of the rapporteurs on Serbia, is on his first visit to Serbiain order to learn directly about the government's commitment to EU membership and to bringing the relations with Pristina back to normal, and he will pass on his findings to his colleagues upon returning to Berlin, the statement says.