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A handful (Vesti)

After three years, which the EU team has spent on working on human organ trafficking investigation after the war in Kosovo in 1999, we got the following outcome:
- no evidence for organ trafficking, what doesn’t mean that there won’t be any in future
- even if there would be evidence it doesn’t mean that all missing Serbs, Roma and ‘disloyal Albanians’ have ended up under a knife
- investigators don’t know exactly where several hundred missing Serbs ended up, but they know that they did not end up in infamous ‘Yellow House’
- however, investigation continues while evidence who are scarce, will be even scarcer
- the KLA is a guerrilla, in whose liberation mission the American Williamson has no doubts about
- the KLA is a guerrilla which by chance committed some crimes
- pardon, the KLA used to have individuals, who by chance committed some crimes and maybe some of them will end up indicted
- Williamson apologized in advance to Kosovo Albanians if they have had any doubts about Washington’s loyalty toward their young state since it is not his intention to change the history, and it is well known who is the guilty one
- as an evidence of his (dis)loyalty, Williamson reminded us that he used to work on Slobodan Milosevic’s indictment
- and, imagine, Williamson has ten fingers, too
- he calls it a handful, and that is the maximal figure of individuals, amongst them and Serbs, who could have ended up as victims of illegal organ trafficking.

No, don’t ask yourselves why an American was in charge of the special investigation team of the European Union? And, the man who, from late 2001 until 2002, used to supervise the judicial and correctional service in Kosovo as the Director of Justice with the UN mission. That is, at the time when families of missing persons persistently tried to bring the attention of the international community on terrifying stories about organ trafficking. When, if there was a good will, everything could have been investigated more thoroughly.

Why hasn’t this job been assigned to Dick Marty, the Special Rapporteur of the Council of Europe, who previously worked on the case, and who was familiar with it and, we could guess, much less biased than former American Ambassador-at-large for war crimes, what is another Williamson’s post? No, don’t ask yourselves, because the answer is – the farce.

The entire process of some sort of investigation is another delusion, first of all of families of victims, which is meant to bring us to misconception that crimes against Serbs are investigated finally, and that there are chances that culprits could be brought to justice. As a matter of fact, the court has not been established yet, neither was the proper prosecutor’s office being set up yet, which is meant to work on continuous investigation and which is supposed to write down the indictment. At the moment, we have nothing! Neither the court nor the indictment, whereas names which should appear in it are, of course, secret.

Until all bureaucratic conditions are fulfilled, first and foremost the political ones, with regards to the announced court, who knows how many of suspects will still be alive? Similar to the weird circumstances surrounding disappearance of meant-to-be protected witnesses of the Hague Tribunal in the process against Ramush Haradinaj, maybe the future prime minister of Kosovo, who should be welcomed now by Serbs as the smaller evil than Thaçi!

After all, is there anyone who could believe that Americans, after that many years of joint service to outgoing prime minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi, the former leader of the KLA and the infamous, so called, Drenica group, will be sacrificed for some ‘justice’.

That wouldn’t even suit the Serbian duet Dacic and Vucic, who have signed with Thaçi the Brussels agreement, which appears to be the heaviest shackle for the internal and external Serbian politics.

By the way, a wasted question at the press conference in Brussels while John Clint Williamson was selling the fog, packed in the report, was: where is he going to continue his carrier after his mandate of the special prosecutor expires on 23 August? For those who are interested, he will spent some time on vacation, than he’ll return to the American administration, where independent Kosovo has been created, where the KLA was once listed as the terrorist organization financed from the illegal narcotic trade, which was later rephrased, for more convenient use by the State Department, to a liberation guerrilla against the evil and disobedient Serbs.
