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Vllasi: Park of Peace - a cynicism, possible problems at St. Vitus Day (KIM radio)

“Park of Peace represents a reflection of the rude cynicism,” said political analysts and lawyer Azem Vllasi. He added that what happened on Sunday in Mitrovica was absolutely unnecessary and resulted as an inadequate police intervention.

“It seems to be the result of an unprofessional intervention of the police and detailed investigation should follow, because clashes should not take place. Citizens have come to protest due to the closure of the main bridge,” explained Vllasi.

Vllasi said that these problems could be resolved by the mayors of northern and southern part of the town, however, according to him, they failed to do so. He said that it is good that barricade is removed but no one expected that it will be replaced with some park, whatsoever. Vllasi went on to say that it is important that unhindered traffic is enabled over the bridge and that such decision of authorities would be beneficial for both sides.

Asked whether Sunday clashes could be an introductory to eventual unrest on 28 June, on St. Vitus Day, Vllasi said that it is possible since Sunday incidents have raised the tensions amongst Serbs and Albanians. He explained that as long as such things are taking place there will be tensioned atmosphere. In such conditions there will always be people who will throw stones. “What happened in Mitrovica could cause the raise of tensions and incidents during the celebration of St. Vitus Day,” said Vllasi.
