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Session of the Assembly of Kosovo without the Serbian List (Vecernje Novosti)

Deputies of the coalition gathered around the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), today will continue inaugural session of the Assembly of Kosovo, but deputies of the Serbian list will not be present.

Their attitude is that they will participate in those sessions for which they will receive a regular call from the official authority, while today's session was announced by certain party leaders.

President of the Serbian list, Aleksandar Jablanovic yesterday asked Flora Brovina, the Assembly presiding, to schedule a continuation of the meeting as soon as possible, as required by Item 27 of the Constitutional Court, and allow the debate that will result in a solution on how to complete the formation of convoncation of the Assembly.

Fatmir Sheholi, a political analyst, said to Novosti that the coalition gathered around the LDK is likely to open a debate today that would come to conclusions on how to resolve the institutional crisis, and will forward the conclusion to the president of Kosovo so she can consider further the situation caused by the political vacuum.

Pristina media are speculating that Atifete Jahjaga is searching for a legal basis for calling a new elections, where by Sheholi says that the new elections are the last option in line, especially as international factors consider that the Parliament or the Government need to be formed urgently.