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Slanderous naming of Serbs in an official correspondence (RTS)

Rustem Pepshi, an official in Junik/Junik Municipality in Kosovo and Metohija, member of the Presidency of Association of Kosovo Municipalities, has sent an official e-mail to an official in Gračanica/Graqanicë Municipality, Vladan Popovic, calling him ‘shkavell’, what is an insulting word for Serbs in Kosovo used by some Albanians.

Mayor of Gračanica/Graqanicë Municipality has sent a sharp protest to the Association of Kosovo Municipalities, learned RTS.

Executive Director of the Association Suzan Ibrahimi voiced regret over the incident and said that Association in no way stands behind the words of the member of the Presidency of the Association mailed to the Deputy Chairperson of the Association Vladan Popovic from Gračanica/Graqanicë Municipality.
