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EU praises Serbia for reforms, no timeframe for new chapter (RTS, Tanjug)

BELGRADE - In the conclusions that are to be adopted at next week's meeting of the Council of Ministers, the EU praises Serbia for the reforms implemented, but does not set a timeframe for the opening of the first negotiation chapter, the RTS has reported.

According to a draft document seen by the RTS, the Council of Ministers welcomes the progress that Serbia has achieved this year in reforming its judiciary and administration as well as in fighting corruption and implementing ambitious economic reforms.

The document particularly highlights the programme of ambitious economic and structural reforms.

Belgrade is also praised for the professional approach demonstrated so far in the negotiation and screening process.

However, the conclusions set no precise timeline for the opening of negotiation chapters, but say that the EU looks forward to the next accession conference and the opening of the first negotiation chapters, the RTS reported late Thursday.

Germany's position that no chapter can be opened before Chapter 35 (on the normalisation of ties with Pristina) is crucial, with progress in this regard expected to follow in the wake of a renewal of political dialogue after the recent formation of the government in Pristina.

In the draft conclusions, the EU Council of Ministers gives a positive assessment of the work done so far in the preparations of chapters 23 and 24 on rule of law, which, like Chapter 35, should be opened at the start of the negotiations.

The European ministers will also urge Serbia to gradually align its foreign policy to the EU, while making no explicit mention of anti-Russian sanctions, the RTS said.

The conclusions will be adopted at the General Affairs Council meeting in Brussels on December 16.