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Adoption of the budget is a test for relations between Serbs and Albanians (RTS)

Voting for the Kosovo budget in the coming year will be the first test for relations between Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo's new government.

The proposed budget for the return and work of local governments in Serbian areas was cut almost for half. For the return of displaced persons is provided six million, and for the work of the ministry of local government (in the year when it is expected the formation of the Community of Serbian municipalities) is provided a little more than five million. "The proposed budget or the budget that that was agreed for the north of Kosovo, in this proposal is halved. If our amendments are not adopted, wewill not vote for the Kosovo budget for 2015," says Caucus whip of the Serbian list, Sasa Milosavljevic.

When it comes to the north, for the functioning of the administration in northern Mitrovica was provided four million. Leposavic municipality is allocated with three million euros, Zvecan with a million and seven hundred and Zubin Potok municipality will receive, according to the proposal, a million and nine hundred thousand. That's a big difference compared to the agreement which the Serbian List had when entering a new Kosovo government.

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister, Branimir Stojanovic, notes that this is the first indication of whether there is a will to solve the problems of Serbs, or not. "If one does not have an understanding for this issue, it is questionable whether there will be understanding for some other process that will follow after that," says Stojanovic.