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Janjic: Provocation of a small group in Gazimestan (RTS)

Archimandrite Sava Janjic said that whistling of the "Zavetnici" members during the speech of the President of Serbia in Gazimestan, is an organized provocation by those "who mostly did not show respect for the holy place and the moment."

Janjic said that members of the organization "Zavetnici" were chanting during speech of the Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic at Gazimestan, not the people who gathered to hear his speech.

"Personally, I was on Gazimestan while President Nikolic was giving the speech. While a memorial service was in progress, I saw several buses from which the members of 'Zavetnici' came out. They were wearing distinctive shirts and banners. They chanted, and not the people who gathered and who upon their arrival were calm and carefully followed the service," Janjic told Telegraf, reports Tanjug.

He pointed out that most of the members of the organization came from Serbia and that these are not the Kosovo Serbs.

"I do not want to be anyone's apologists nor I want to judge anyone, but because of the truth, this is not a relationship of Kosovo Serbs towards President Nikolic, despite the fact that policy of the Government of Serbia in Kosovo is not clear and understandable to many Serbs. According to my assessment, it is an organized provocation and people who primarily did not show respect for the holy place and the moment," said Janjic.

He added that these same people were not previously in the liturgy in the monastery courtyard, but they chanted in the streets around the Milos Obilic monument.

"It is about a young and disoriented people who are deeply unhappy, but who neither represent Serbian nation nor Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, who would never behave like this on the St. Vitus day," said Janjic.

He added that President Nikolić and his associates were not in a personal visit to Gazimestan, but as the President of the Republic of Serbia and the "representative of the Serbian people."

"As usual, 'Zavetnici' and the like patriots left Kosovo after St. Vitus and they do not have the slightest attention to come and live here, or in any way to help the people, because it's easy to be a patriot from a safe distance and away from the everyday danger. Everybody else in Gazimestan, and even those who have disagreements with government policies, were frankly appalled by primitivism, aggression and a total lack of respect for the holy place," Janjic said.

He added that, unfortunately, the behaviour of "this minor group attracted media attention too," and that is a big failure of the security services which have allowed these groups at all to get closer to the point where the vast majority of citizens gathered to pray for fallen Kosovo heroes.

"This is, above all, a great insult to every honest Serb who respect the memory of the heroes of Kosovo, and who come to Kosovo on the St. Vitus day to pray to God, and not to insult and scream wildly," concluded Janjic.