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Mihajlovic: Agreement on the judiciary is not a surprise RTS (RTS)

Head of the Government Office for Cooperation with the media, Milivoje Mihajlovic told RTS that the agreement on the judiciary, reached in Brussels is not a surprise. Next negotiations in Brussels on Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO). Pristina authorities are to blame for "river of asylum seekers," said Mihajlovic.

Milivoje Mihajlovic, visiting on RTS, said that the judiciary was the biggest obstacle to continue dialogue and that essentially this agreement, reached between Belgrade and Pristina, means bringing justice to Kosovo in all areas where Serbs live.

"This agreement is not a surprise. If we recall, from the beginning of negotiations in Brussels, which was coordinated by Catherine Ashton, judiciary was always mentioned. This topic was one of the biggest obstacles to continue the dialogue. And now is finalized, "said Mihajlovic.

Asked about the following topics on the negotiating table, Mihajlovic says that it is definitely Community/Association of Serbian municipalities (ZSO), for which he says it is the main stumbling block between Belgrade and Pristina.

"It is a topic that should have been completed a year ago, but has not been completed. Pristina will certainly want now to obstruct this topic. It is also the most important topic, and that it ended a year ago, it would all be easier now" says Mihajlovic.

On a reminder that in Brussels was spoken about the growing number of asylum seekers from Kosovo who try to cross the border, Mihajlovic noted that the Serbian authorities can only work within the framework of its powers, adding that Kosovo authorities did nothing to prevent the irregular crossings.

"It's a river that moves from Kosovo, and these are big numbers, even up to 100, 000," suggests Mihajlovic, adding that media in Pristina concluded that economic reasons are the main culprits of the increasing departure of the population.

The authorities in Pristina should solve the problem of asylum seekers, Serbia will only help. However, a major responsibility is on the international community, which has led to this, concludes the Head of the Government Office for Cooperation with the media.