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Nikolic: Erosion of autonomy of northern Kosovo has to stop (RTK2)

The President of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic, said that Serbia has to stop the erosion of autonomy of northern Kosovo.

In his interview to Belgrade-based daily ‘Politika’ he said that he didn’t give up on platform for Kosovo and that he will for sure forward his proposal to the government because, as he said, something has obviously changed in the EU with regard to its attitude toward Serbia. He added that he talks about the platform with the Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic in order that his proposal is accepted by the government. “If it happens that it is not accepted, I will withdraw and wait,” said Nikolic. He further said that things are getting more complicated and that platform has to be prepared faster than it was originally planned.

“We had difficult meeting in Brussels again, where only Pristina administration’s requests were discussed. I am not optimistic that we can impose any of our ideas and realize it completely, but I am optimistic that we can’t accept all that is imposed any more, without taking into account the point of view of Serbian interests. We have entered into something which is almost the heart of a society and a state,” said Nikolic and added that Serbian Government is achieving the most it can in the given conditions.

“Fluctuation of people from Kosovo has started, which is unseen so far. It brings certain security risks and changes situation on the ground. We have clearly framed big autonomy of northern Kosovo and Metohija from Pristina’s administration and that autonomy has to survive…We have to stop the erosion of autonomy of northern Kosovo,’ said Nikolic.

When asked whether that is possible, Nikolic replied that it has to be done otherwise it would turn out that certain Albanian politicians were right.