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"Community of Serbian municipalities a crown of Serbian unity" (KIM radio)

The formation of Association/Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) remains a priority of the Serbs in Kosovo, said Branimir Stojanovic, Kosovo's deputy prime minister.

He pointed out that it is necessary to solve the issues of privatization, the full protection of property and rights of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo.

Stojanovic said that ten conclusions, which representatives of municipalities with Serbian majority in Kosovo made a few days ago at a meeting in Gracanica, have reflected the need of Serbs in Kosovo, not a political option or party.

"The crown of all should be the ZSO which is our political priority, and we are absolutely unique about it," said Stojanovic on TV Pink.

As he said, it is a message to Pristina that Serbs want to work together to solve problems and are not ready to political blackmail and a policy of "fait accompli".

Representatives of municipalities with Serbian majority in Kosovo few days ago made a decision about the unique political activities, protection of rights and achieving interests of the Serbian people through the formation of a strong community of Serbian municipalities.