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Office for KiM and Coordination Affairs Office two independent bodies (KoSSev)

Serbian government appointed Dragan Vladisavljevic at the post of acting-director of the Coordination Affairs Office in the negotiation process with Pristina, published the latest ‘Official Gazette’, reported Beta agency.

Vladisavljevic was appointed on 26 March, whereas decision on creation of the Office was taken on 5 March. Dragan Vladisavljevic used to be a brigade general, and until last January used to be the head of Military Intelligence Agency. KoSSev learned that Vladisavljevic was appointed for a six-month period, whereas the mandate of the director of the Office will be five years. Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija (Office for KiM) and Coordination Affairs Office are two independent bodies, without any supervisory role over each other, but they will closely cooperate.

Beside this operative-administrative Office and its directors there will also be and Coordination Body which will be of political nature and will have its president, and four vice-presidents. The director of the Office for KiM is automatically and president of the Coordination Body. President of the Coordination Body will be the one to propose to the government names of vice-presidents and wider composition of the Office, amongst whom could be and representatives of local self-governments in KiM, learned KoSSev from the source close to Belgrade’s negotiation team.

“Office for Kosovo and Metohija will continue to deal with issues that are directly referring to Kosovo and Metohija, amongst which are big ones like education, health, social welfare policy, culture, infrastructure, local self-government system and telecommunication in Serbian settlements in Kosovo and Metohija, along with providing financial, legal, technical and cadre assistance to Serbs and other non-Albanian communities on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija,” said the source, and added that obligation of dealing with the sole negotiation process in Brussels will be the mandate of newly formed Coordination Affairs Office.
