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The issue of the budgets of the municipalities in the North will be solved this week (RTK2)

Deputy Minister of Local Government Administration in Kosovo's government Bajram Gecaj expressed hope that during this week municipalities in northern Kosovo will adopt their budgets. "We are in contact with representatives of municipalities in the north and also with the Serbian list. We are very close to the achieving of the solution. Therefore, I believe that the municipalities in northern Kosovo will soon adopt their budgets," said Gecaj.

Commenting on this statement, the mayor of Leposavic Dragan Jablanović pointed out that the representatives of the municipalities in the north had a meeting with Samuel Zbogar, the head of the EU office in Kosovo. "We proposed that Zbogar discuss the issue with officials from the Kosovo government and financial experts. We also proposed that the Government of Kosovo and the Ministry of Finance keep the budget as previously agreed with the Ministry, until reaching agreement on education and health in Brussels. As soon the agreements will be reached in the Brussels, we will adjust the budgets," said Jablanović.

Mayor of Leposavic stressed that the meeting was held 15 days ago. "We expect that Žbogar address us."

The four municipalities in northern Kosovo last year adopted budget for 2015 and forwarded it to the relevant ministries in Pristina. However, Ministry of Local Government has not accepted these budgets, because they were not adjusted to the recommendations of the Ministry of Finance. As announced, Municipalities in the North demanded much bigger budgets than stipulated.

The Ministry of Local Government in Kosovo Government reported that solution will be soon found.
