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Ask Haradinaj about whereabouts of missing Serbs (Vesti)

Association of families of kidnapped and missing persons in Kosovo and Metohija in 1998-2000 has forwarded to EULEX head Gabriele Meucci a list with names of 318 kidnapped civilians and names of Albanian perpetrators. The list was compiled by associations of families of kidnapped and missing persons based on testimonies following the end of conflict in Kosovo.

They hope that this document could serve EULEX in shedding the light on crimes. The document lists, amongst others, the names of Ramush Haradinaj, Fatmir Limaj, Jakup Krasnici and Naser Keljmendi.

“This list was earlier forwarded to UNMIK, KFOR, EULEX, Hague Tribunal, than chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte, War Crimes prosecutor in Belgrade, international, regional and local institutions that dealt with the issues of missing persons and violations of human rights, and nothing happened,” communicated the Association.