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The Serbian list is terminating boycott (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbs from the north of Kosovo should return to the Kosovo institutions since Belgrade received the guarantees at the round of the dialogue in Brussels that the coalition agreement of the Serbian List with Hashim Thaci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Isa Mustafa’s Democratic League of Kosovo would be respected, Vecernje Novosti reports.

After four hour long meeting with Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa on Tuesday in Brussels, Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic received assurances that representatives of the Serbs in the north of Kosovo would be included in all the process of property privatization in Kosovo and that they would be equally represented at all the levels of the authorities.

The Serbian list is negotiating at the moment all the details regarding their return in the institutions in Pristina and the final decision should be known today.

What Serbia fulfilled from the Brussels Agreement? 

  • Police -287 former employees of the Ministry of Interior were integrated
  • Justice system - vacancies for judges and prosecutors in K&M were published
  • Civil Protection - integration of 483 members was agreed
  • Energy sector - Serbian side met all conditions while Pristina is hampering establishing of the related enterprises “Elektrodistribucija Sever” and “EPS trading Kosovska Mitrovica”
  • Telecommunications - it was proposed that Serbia take phone code +383 for the territory of Kosovo
  • Freedom of movement - implemented on 14 crossings including Belgrade airport
  • Serbian side is fully implementing the Agreements on Cadastral Office, Registry Books, University Diplomas and Customs Seal

In the report on the course of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina presented by the Office for Kosovo was mentioned that 5, 5 million euro was allocated to the Fund for the development of the north. However, the Board of the Fund met only once and criteria for the distribution of that money were still not determined, what was warned by the UNMIK and UNDP officials.